Janet Shriberg

Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor

Janet Shriberg serves as a Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor for The KonTerra Group. An international development practitioner for over 15 years, Janet has worked with a range of organizations and universities globally to improve the health, education and overall wellbeing of families and communities affected by disaster and conflict.

Janet’s commitment to staff care stems from working alongside teachers, social and health workers and other humanitarian and development providers, addressing firsthand the need for effective care and support to all staff in crisis response. She has provided programmatic and research consultation to governmental, non-governmental and community-based organizations in psychosocial support, social and emotional learning, and protection initiatives in the United States, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Liberia, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Venezuela. She also has served as a monitoring and evaluation advisor for the Peace Corps, Let Girls Learn Initiative and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) at the Office of HIV/AIDS at USAID.

Janet has a master’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public health, a master’s of counseling psychology from Northeastern University Bouve School of Health Sciences and a doctorate of international education development from Teachers College, Columbia University. On the weekends, you can find Janet and her daughter cycling on trails and visiting old diners for strong coffee, in and around their home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.